Easy Payment Methods
- AutoPay – You may set up automatic payment out of a checking account or a credit or debit card. If you did not do this at the time of sale, ask your DFC Account Manager to help you set this up. AutoPay makes you eligible for AutoPay Rewards of $10.00 per month which can be used for oil changes, repairs, or trade-in down payment with Integrity Auto Finance.
- Credit Card – DFC accepts the following credit/debit cards: Visa / Discover / Master Card /American Express. You can use these by calling in payments to your Account Manager. You will be asked to complete an authorization form.
- Cashier Check – made payable to Dealers Finance Company, LLC.Money Order – When submitting payments by money order make sure account # and name is printed legibly.
- Money Gram – DFC’s Money Gram code is 5853; use account # provided on welcome letter.
- Payroll Check – DFC can accept payments through computer generated payroll checks if not over $1,000 (must make payment for check to be accepted).
- In Office/Night Drop – For your convenience DFC accepts night drop payments at our main office (address below). Enclose your payment in a sealed envelope with your name and account # written legibly on the outside.
Please be aware that that there is a $25.00 Non-Sufficient Funds fee for bounced checks. There is a $25.00 late fee if payments are more than ten (10) days past due. While payments within ten days are not subject to a late fee they do increase your interest cost.

Dealers Finance Co., LLC
7113 Crossroads Blvd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73149
(405) 456-6300 Main
(405) 456-6319 Fax